An eight week introductory course to the world of ceramic production and decoration. Exploring the nature and preparation of clay, glazes and decorative techniques.
We explore: Majolica, Agate ware, Mocha, Moorcroft and Wedgewood techniques, Historical techniques, Pottery figures and sculpture.
Cost £216 (£27per session). Maximum Class sizes of 6. The courses run roughly from January-
What to expect
Our studio specializes in teaching ceramics in a holistic manner and offers instruction for those new to the world of ceramics. Classes are informal and are kept small to guarantee a significant time on the wheel for every student if they need it. Each supervised class is two hours long.
Beginners get grounding in pottery fundamentals. They learn how to centre clay, and how to throw, trim and glaze their pots. Generally, after one 10-
More advanced students work on refining skills and decorating techniques. They learn how to make larger and more complex forms, and explore methods for altering thrown pots to create ovals and other shapes.
Wheel practise will start from the first week as this generally is the most difficult skill to master.
Week 1 Introduction to ceramics – design, construction and decoration process. preparing clay / pinch Pots.
Week 2 Coil work and using moulds
Week 3 Slab Work
Week 4 The wheel, Slip decoration
Week 5 Elements of Sculpture,
Week 6 Greenware techniques Impressing / Inlaying / Sprigs -
Week 7 Glazing and Under glaze techniques / resists
Week 8 Continuing decoration, final firing, pots collected at your convenience.
Not sure if ceramics is for you? We provide short sessions and workshops for absolute beginners, as well as our regular pottery club (for those who have been on a course and want to continue.) on Wednesday afternoons. We supply materials, basic instruction and hands-
Making pots is a long process, from start to finish it may take several weeks for the whole process to be completed.